Wealocity Analytics

Equity Portfolio Review

Over a period of time, we end up accumulating stocks across multiple market cycles. The overhang could burden you with tracking difficulties. Unknowingly you may end up neglecting part of the portfolios.
In this service, we examine each holding on its fundamental and technical basis. Also, check for synergy within the portfolio to see if each constituent compliments the other. After a detailed analysis, a recommendation is arrived so that the portfolio is trimmed with appropriate allocation sizes for long-term wealth creation. The analysis involves carefully preparing notes on each of the stock in the portfolio, the possibilities, the hindrances and the rationale to hold/add or discard/reduce.
This service empowers you to reassess and reignite the original goal of building wealth through equity exposure. This one time exercise is a helpful tool to load up on the potential winners in the portfolio while simultaneously discarding all the laggards. A clean up that not only relieves the portfolio lag but provides the liquidity impetus to build fresh momentum.